Friday, January 31, 2014

Disney World

One word to describe our trip to Disney World "Magical!"

Yes cliche... 
But seriously, if you have little ones....I would have to say that this is a must!
Josh and I went to Disney World as kids...but let me tell you...seeing your own munchkins experience the magic is so much more FUN!

It was a beautiful day! 
Upper 60s Lower 70s
I don't think we would have wanted it to be any warmer.
We got to the park around 9:30 and stayed for 12 hours!  It was quite exhausting but so much fun!

On our way to the park!

A group picture as we entered!

Little Miss Diva with her Nana

A family picture in front of the castle!

Prince Charming and Cinderella

Carter with Princess Aurora

A horsey ride on the carousel!

Me and my cute lil boy!

Loving it!

Meeting Goofy after going on his roller coaster
ride with daddy
Carter also got an autograph book at the beginning of our
adventure and not only got pictures with a ton
of characters but he got their autographs too!

Donald Duck!  Reese wasn't too sure about this one.


This was by far the highlight of Reese's Day.
We had to meet Minnie twice.
This was the ONLY character Reese would take a picture with, hug and blow kisses to.
She was in heaven!

And these are the BIG crocodile tears that she shed after leaving Minnie.  Along with the sad tears she kept saying...Minnie....Minnie!

A group picture in front of the castle!

Watching the show!

Having a blast!

I loved how people and characters would suddenly appear
and start dancing and performing!  Here Carter is dancing to the
Hokey Pokey!

In heaven watching Minnie Mouse on stage!

Carter meeting Jessie and Woody from Toy Story!

Lots of love for her daddy!

In the evening they had a HUGE dance party with the Incredible Characters!

Thumbs up with Buzz Light Year!

And Carter will tell you that his Absolute favorite part about
Disney World was meeting The REAL Mickey Mouse!
I loved how each of these character meetings were
intimate and personal!  

And a group picture with the REAL Mickey Mouse!
We ended the night on Main Street watching an electric parade and then of course got to see fireworks over the castle!  2 minutes into the drive home Carter and Reese were out.  Nana, Mommy and Daddy were not too far behind.  Such a fun day!  Can't wait until next year!