Friday, January 3, 2014

Christmas at the Chaps!

Christmas Eve we headed out to Cokato to visit the Chap Family!
We celebrated with Josh's sister, husband, kiddos and his parents.
Sweet little Brynlee was a wonderful addition this year to our Christmas gathering!

Grandpa Remme with his girls

What a sweetie

Miss Brynlee slept the WHOLE time :)  What a good little babe

The girls

Snuggling up this cutie

Carter with Grandma and Grandpa!

Uncle Josh and sweet Brynlee

Grandma Remme and Miss Brynlee

A fun game of candy land!

Wrestling with Uncle Eric

Horsey Rides!

The cousins!

Brynlee wasn't really excited about this pic 

Our little family

Daddy and Carter Man

Grandma and Grandpa with the grandkids!

The best present this year!!

Christmas Jammies and ready to open presents!

Josh got his watch!

Sleepy lil girly