Thursday, March 14, 2013


So this photo shoot didn't go quite as planned.
But we did it...

We sold our house!

I can't even believe it myself.

Jan. 1st I threw out the idea of building in our neighborhood and well here we are now.

We are extremely lucky that our house sold after being on the market 5 days.

But having to say good bye to our first home was hard.
This was the last time we as a family walked through the house.
Carter went up to his 'old' room and opened up the closet and said "Hey! Were are my clothes!"
Mr. Obvious....I don't know where he was the whole past week when we were moving :)

Carter wasn't upset about selling our house in these pics....He was just having one of those 'fun' 3 year old moments.

Good bye house.  We will miss you.
We got our first pup here, we brought our two babies home from the hospital here, we worked our BUTTS off making it our home.  We met some pretty AMAZING neighbors and made a ton of memories here.  But like some have reminded is an object and all of those happy memories will follow us.  

Good bye house.