Monday, March 11, 2013

My baby girl is ONE

Our little gal is ONE.

She is getting to be such a big girl!

Unfortunately I think we are cursed for 1st Birthdays.
Reese was sick with the stomach bug the Wednesday before her birthday, Carter that Thursday, Josh Saturday and Me Sat/Sun (her actual birthday).  (And if you remember the whole family came down with the same junk on Cohen's First Birthday)

So unfortunately, we had to cancel the Big Birthday bash.
We were planning on having a bunch of people over at our 'old' house one last time.
But this momma couldn't even lift her head off the pillow, let alone host a Birthday Extravaganza.

So this little gal will get a party, sooner than later, but she did turn one on March 3rd.
No matter how much I wanted to postpone that :)

I thought to myself that evening, I need to at least take a picture of the Birthday Girl.

So here she is .....

Even though mommy and daddy weren't feeling up for cupcakes, Reese was!
I think she ate 3-4 that day :)

Reese is ALL over the place.  Still crawling and walking along things, but boy oh boy is she fast.
If the gate is open she will see it and will be up the stairs in a blink of an eye.

Reese loves pushing things, especially her shopping cart.  She also just started finding things and putting them into the cart.  

Her new trick is to push the button on the Direct TV.  She looks up at the blank tv and turns back and giggles at mommy and daddy. (sooo funny :)

This girl eats like a horse.  I call her the human garbage disposal.  Anything you put in front of her she will eat.  She also uses her high pitched scream if you don't put the food in front of her fast enough.

She is a violent little gal....loves to grab your face when you are least expecting it.

No words yet....but she makes a sound every time she sees lily.  I can't type it out, but it is pretty darn cute.

Reese is a GREAT sleeper.  Usually in bed by 7:30 and up at 7.  (I wish she could rub off on her brother a little bit)

She is tall and skinny (haven't gotten her stats yet)
But wears 12 month clothing and size 3 shoes and diapers.

Reese loves the bath and isn't the least bit afraid to put her face in the water.  

And this little girl's facial expressions and giggle are AMAZING.  It will brighten anyone's day.

More to come after her mommy gets on the ball with her Dr. Apt and party, but I thought I should at least do a ONE year post!

Love Love Love you Reesey Girl.