Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Remme Easter

We had a few different Easters this year and since I have a problem with taking too many pictures....there will be a couple blog posts :)

Saturday of Easter weekend we celebrated with Dean's family in Faribault.
Here are the kiddos with Grandma and Grandpa at church on Easter morning.

Auntie Carissa with Miss Squirmy....

Lots of fun things from Grandma and Grandpa and the Chaps!
She even got her very first dolly!

Easter egg hunt in Grandma and Grandpa's backyard

It was a tad bit windy, so Miss Reese was watching from the window.
Me and my boys....

Cohen giving Carter a ride in the tractor

Uncle Eric with little Miss Reese

Loooove my bubba

Aubrey checking out the new baby

What a big SMILE! We found out the Monday after that this little guy had a horrible ear infection all weekend and ended up with a burst eardrum (how am I supposed to know if he looks like this.....????)

Cohen was on a mission to NOT take a picture at this time :)

Matthew and Reese

mmmmm chocolate from Great Grandma Remme

Auntie and Grandma with the boys

Grandpa Remme with little man Cohen
We had a great time down in Faribault for the day!
What a busy weekend for us, but so much fun!