Wednesday, October 19, 2011

20 weeks...halfway there!

Baby Remme #2
20 weeks
Size of a banana!

I cannot believe I am halfway there!
20 weeks....hooray!

This baby definitely has a way of reminding me EVERY day that things are still cooking, and he or she is doing well. The 1st 15 weeks were pretty tough, I am not going to lie.
My tummy constantly was churning, and I was nauseated/running to the bathroom, 24-7.

I am thankful however that everything is going well, and that I have a FABULOUS hubby that is willing to play with the little man and keep him entertained.
Now I am happy to say, that I am reminded just once a day that I have a babe in my tummy.
Right away in the morning.
(I don't mind this as long as I get it over with and then get on with my day)
I laughed this morning though, because I said at work yesterday....
'It's been 2 1/2 days since I last threw up!'
Jinxed myself as I ran to the bano this AM :)

I was very excited however at my last apt....Back to my pre-pregnancy weight!
I was getting a little worried.
Babe is growing and I finally have a BUMP!

Carter came to one of my apts with me.
He now acknowledges there is a "baby" in my tummy.
When asked what sound the baby makes ... the response is ...
"swish swish swish swish"
(the sound of the heartbeat from the apt)
Very cute :)

I have my ultrasound on Tues.
It will definitely be tempting to find out if we have a little boy or girl in there.
But I am standing firm.
Not until we meet the little one!

Here is a pic of the big brother....He was supposed to hold the sign while standing next to me. But as most of you know, 2 year olds usually have their own agenda :)

We are so thankful to be having babe #2.
and are super excited to meet our little bundle of joy.


Carissa said...

Maybe you should reconsider and find out what you are having. I think it will help you to prepare for the future. :)