Tuesday, October 25, 2011

1st photo shoot

I didn't even peek :)

I had my 21 week ultrasound today!
Everything went very well.
Baby is measuring perfect
(I was a little worried since I haven't been able to keep food down for a lot of this pregnancy)

We got some cute little face/profile and body pics.
I looked away for a lot of the ultrasound, just to make sure I didn't catch a glance of a little boy or little girl part :)

I found out that my placenta is anterior again....explains why I have only felt very few flutters in my tummy, just like Carter.

The OB will read the ultrasound this afternoon, so I am hoping everything is A-OK.
Here are some pics from Baby Remme #2's 1st photo shoot.....

A nice profile shot :)

Full body....leg, arm, face.
The ultrasound tech said this one is a mover.
Cute little legs.

This makes me that much more excited to meet our little one.
Not for a long time though....keep cooking and growing Baby....we love you!


Anonymous said...

Those are fantastic photos! Can't wait to see if it's a boy or girl!