Monday, October 31, 2011

2nd Annual Halloween Bash!

Saturday night was the 2nd annual Halloween Party with my coworkers.

It was an absolute blast!

The greatest part is Leah lives in the next neighborhood.
So her daughter comes to our house to babysit the little ones, while all of us grownups head over to the Halloween Party!

There were so many incredible costumes that I couldn't pick which ones to post, so I just chose one with Popeye and I.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween weekend!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

1st photo shoot

I didn't even peek :)

I had my 21 week ultrasound today!
Everything went very well.
Baby is measuring perfect
(I was a little worried since I haven't been able to keep food down for a lot of this pregnancy)

We got some cute little face/profile and body pics.
I looked away for a lot of the ultrasound, just to make sure I didn't catch a glance of a little boy or little girl part :)

I found out that my placenta is anterior again....explains why I have only felt very few flutters in my tummy, just like Carter.

The OB will read the ultrasound this afternoon, so I am hoping everything is A-OK.
Here are some pics from Baby Remme #2's 1st photo shoot.....

A nice profile shot :)

Full body....leg, arm, face.
The ultrasound tech said this one is a mover.
Cute little legs.

This makes me that much more excited to meet our little one.
Not for a long time though....keep cooking and growing Baby....we love you!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

20 weeks...halfway there!

Baby Remme #2
20 weeks
Size of a banana!

I cannot believe I am halfway there!
20 weeks....hooray!

This baby definitely has a way of reminding me EVERY day that things are still cooking, and he or she is doing well. The 1st 15 weeks were pretty tough, I am not going to lie.
My tummy constantly was churning, and I was nauseated/running to the bathroom, 24-7.

I am thankful however that everything is going well, and that I have a FABULOUS hubby that is willing to play with the little man and keep him entertained.
Now I am happy to say, that I am reminded just once a day that I have a babe in my tummy.
Right away in the morning.
(I don't mind this as long as I get it over with and then get on with my day)
I laughed this morning though, because I said at work yesterday....
'It's been 2 1/2 days since I last threw up!'
Jinxed myself as I ran to the bano this AM :)

I was very excited however at my last apt....Back to my pre-pregnancy weight!
I was getting a little worried.
Babe is growing and I finally have a BUMP!

Carter came to one of my apts with me.
He now acknowledges there is a "baby" in my tummy.
When asked what sound the baby makes ... the response is ...
"swish swish swish swish"
(the sound of the heartbeat from the apt)
Very cute :)

I have my ultrasound on Tues.
It will definitely be tempting to find out if we have a little boy or girl in there.
But I am standing firm.
Not until we meet the little one!

Here is a pic of the big brother....He was supposed to hold the sign while standing next to me. But as most of you know, 2 year olds usually have their own agenda :)

We are so thankful to be having babe #2.
and are super excited to meet our little bundle of joy.

LOVE befores and afters

My absolute favorite type of blog posts are before and afters.
So I decided with all the work we have done, I might as well do a 'before and after' post.

I feel as though, since we moved in 3 years ago we have been in a constant project mode.
It has been busy, but so much fun to see the transformations.
Our house really isn't that old (built in 2005)
But it has been really neat making it our own.
We are incredibly thankful for family (aka Eric) for helping us along with his expertise, we couldn't have done any of these things without him.

The guys finished the basement before Carter was born, but I just wanted to post a finished picture of our bathroom downstairs.
I love love love it.
If my whole house could look like this it would.

Here is a 'sort of before pic'
Keep in mind when we moved in, there weren't any walls, just a big ole concrete basement.

Our 'after' pic of our bathroom.


I especially love the wall color, wainscoting, vanity and 12x24 slate tiles.


A pinterest project:
(I am officially obsessed with this website)
It is kind of like a virtual bulletin board where you can pin pics, ideas, anything onto your page.
I plan on completing a project at least once a month there.
Here is my first one:

A family calendar in our kitchen.
I bought a plain frame from Crafts Direct, painted it white, found a cute 12x12 paper and monday through sunday stickers at Archivers.
I already had a little stand that worked perfectly.

So I just placed the stickers on the paper and placed the paper in the frame behind the glass.

Then you can just use a dry erase marker to write in your special events for the week.
I put a strip of paper down the center so I can do 1 week out.
Josh likes this especially with my work schedule.


This is what our house used to look like when you walked in.
I am not going to post another version of this pic until I completely finish the transformation (fabric, curtains etc), but from this pic you can see the UGLY trim and the hideous tile and carpet. Along with the oak fireplace.

Because we changed out our entire main flooring, why not make the woodwork pretty too :)
(My brother-in-law Eric LOVES when I come up with more ideas from an original idea!)
Here is a little pic of our door frames now, Josh had also changed out all of our gold hardware. Made a HUGE difference.

Our beautiful dark floors and thick white baseboards.
(However I do recommend not going dark if you are a clean can see EVERYTHING)
This is why I love Veronica (our cleaning gal)
She makes these floors beautiful every time!


This week Josh and I (well Josh) decided to tackle a project we have been thinking about since we originally saw this house. Painting the oak fireplace.
We made a trip to Home Depot this past week and
Josh worked hard on Sun/Mon and Tues and completed the project!
I absolutely LOVE it!!!
I am now trying to convince Josh into not placing the t.v. back on top.
I am sure I can find some rather cute things at pottery barn to decorate with :)

Not that bad of a process if anyone is thinking of doing it...

1. Sand, but you don't need to go overboard
2. Gripper Primer (amazing primer, sticks to anything) I believe Josh did 2 coats
3. Enamel Paint (Josh did 2 coats) with a foam roller and paintbrush for the small areas


This is a project we did not tackle, and unfortunately I did not take a before pic...but I had to include it....because it turned out gorgeous!

This is an old sewing machine that was originally my Great Grandma Thompson's.
After years of being in the attic and garages, it needed a pick-me-up.
I don't know exactly what Josh's Dad and Grandpa did, but I do know that they made it look BEAUTIFUL!
I believe the process involved some sandblasting and repainting of the frame,
Sanding and refinishing of the wood portion.
And yes there is a beautiful sewing machine underneath.
So neat! I had a little spot for it in our entry living room. I can't wait to dress it up with some old family pictures in frames.


This is sort of a before pic.
Keep in mind when we moved in our grass was completely dead and there was a random hill behind our garage that served no purpose.
Last year when the guys landscaped they built this amazing retaining wall.
They cleared out a TON of dirt and made a great level area for a future patio.
So this summer, the patio was completed!
We LOVE it!
It is so great and beautiful.
It was the first patio the guys have done, and I think they could definitely brag,
because it looks like a professional did it.
Eric, Josh and Dean weren't too excited when I picked the HARDEST pattern. But they all tried to take credit for it after it was completed. There may or may not have been some naughty words throughout the afternoon when they were trying to figure out the intricate pattern.
I will post pics next spring of the completed patio look, especially with my new couches, flowers and finished landscaping.


Carissa and I found this little red table on our Albertville Garage Sale day.
It was a perfect size for our entry living room.

I love how it turned out.
I just need to finish it off with some decor on top.
(However it is at 2 year old level and I need to make sure whatever I put on it will not crash to the floor when he is running circles around it)

My new best friend: Chalkboard paint (in a can) and chalkboard markers
This past week I decided to spice up our boring canisters in the kitchen.
Don't mind the ugly counter tops and wall color.
(That is our next project :)



Wednesday, October 12, 2011

101 Market...tons of fun!

Saturday we took a trip to 101 Market in Otsego.
They have a great setup for the little ones.
Lots and lots of pumpkins, activities, a corn maze etc.
It was warmer than a normal Oct day, but such a beautiful day to be outside!
Carter had a blast exploring all of the fall fun!

The animal train ride was probably the hit of the day.
Carter picked the Cow to ride in (of course)
He had a ton of fun (as you can tell by the grin)

They had a great little petting zoo. Carter loved the goats and the llama.
He couldn't stop laughing at how goofy they were acting.
Here is a pic of him feeding the hungry goats.

The big corn pit....Carter wasn't a huge fan.
He didn't really like the feeling of the corn on his bare feet.
(I think he gets that from his daddy...since Josh totally agreed that would be something he wouldn't care for either)

We picked out some great pumpkins and a bale of straw for our front porch.
Carter picked out a "momma, daddy and baby punkin"
After our trip to 101 Market, we got to hang out with the Chap family for the evening!
It was a BEAUTIFUL day so we took the boys out on a little walk.
I wish both boys were looking in this pic,
but Cohen was much to busy taking in the wagon ride with his big cuz.
We had dinner at Space Aliens, and even met up with Robyn, Travis and the boys!
Josh and I were a tad bit tired (Josh more than me, since he was out until 6AM at the casino with high school buddies) from the wedding the night before, but it was a great relaxing night with fam and friends.

I just heart fall :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Mr. and Mrs. Pettipiece!

Our last wedding of the season.
Cody and Sheri were married in a beautiful ceremony on Friday evening.
We had a blast celebrating with everyone!
Such a BEAUTIFUL bride.
Congrats Sheri and Cody....wishing you lots of love and happiness

Carter would not leave the dance floor.
I snapped this pic after I found him holding hands dancing with these two adorable little girls.
Already a ladies man...uh oh....

I love these girlies....

Me and my little godson Riley....what a handsome lil guy

So much fun!