New Years hasn't ever been a Holiday I get too excited about. It has always been a fun time with family, but never a big ordeal (I think I actually went to bed before midnight last year because I was sleep deprived from my at the time 4 month old).
This year was different.
I couldn't wait to welcome 2017.
I actually want to say a big F U to 2016.
It was a year of change to say the least.
I was all ready to forget 2016 until this past week when I received our "Remme Family 2016" Chatbook in the mail. In it contained over 362 photos. 362 memories. Memories of my littles, my amazing husband, my family, our friends, my coworkers.
So despite 2016 being the year that changed our life forever. 2016 also had some amazing moments too.
It is how everything in life goes. You can sit there and dwell on the crap that gets thrown your way and push it aside and say F U. or you can look past that and really focus on the good. The good that came out of the year. The memories, the fun, the smiles, the love.
Take a peek at our 2016 book link below:
The Remme Family 2016 Chatbook
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
4 weeks ago