Saturday, December 3, 2016

Halloween 2016

Halloween 2016

I have decided to not think about things like "could this be my last holiday"
I want to just live and not have that looming in the back of my mind.
I know a lot of women with stage 4 live in this fear, I refuse to let that take over my mind.  None of us are guaranteed tomorrow.  ALL of us should celebrate these Holidays like they are our last.

So of course we had a wonderful time celebrating Halloween this year as we would have in the past.

Halloween this year....The kiddos had a blast.
I randomly shopped the aisles at Target on Halloween and decided to be a wicked witch.  I went from not planning on dressing up to painting my face green and adding obnoxiously ginormous fake eyelashes along with a witches hat and cape.  
The best was when I picked up the kiddos at daycare!  Harrison loved it!  
He just smiled....he still knew it was me :)  I may have scared the SH*T out of one of the other little boys however.  Oops.

We continued with the tradition of hanging out with friends before trick or treating with pizza and adult cocktails!

And of course we went back to our old neighborhood to trick or treat.

Seriously this girl ROCKED her Cruella DeVille costume.  I will recommend to other Moms out there....patten leather heels for trick or treating in MN is NOT a good idea.  This poor girl learned a very important lesson:  high heels sure are cute...but dang they hurt by the end of the night.

And here is Carter as Rafael the Ninja Turtle.  He saw this costume in the window and knew this was who he wanted to be.  I tried oh so hard to get him to be a Dalmatian also.  I think the days of Mom telling him what he will be are over :)

Miss Lily....Too Cute!

Nana with Turbo.

Baby Tobin as a lumber jack.  So stinkin cute

The crew

Dalmatian on the loose!

Mommy and her babe

we had fun painting our face after Carter got home from school!

I think this is by far one of my favorite pictures EVER.  Harrison was NOT excited about his cute little outfit.

And one more of Cruella.  Seriously so cute!

Halloween 2016 will go down in the memory books.  Can't wait to celebrate MANY more with these munchkins.

(I HAVE to be here for next year....because like a crazy lady I already have the theme planned)