Sunday, December 14, 2014

Betsy and Tony's Wedding Sept 2014

Man oh man have our wedding seasons slowed....not such a bad thing.  I think our record one year was 11.  This September we celebrated with Josh's family Betsy and Tony's Wedding!  Tony is Josh's first cousin.  It was a beautiful fall day and we...of course got a bunch of fun pics!

These two are the bestest of buddies

Miss Brynlee with her daddy.


Love Love Love this picture of Cohen!

A little girl and her daddy

Such handsome boys!

The whole family 

Carter and Grandpa Dean

Small world....but my first cousin Kelly is soon to be sister-in-laws in Betsy.  So it was fun having the Lundeen Family there!

Kelly and Evan....getting hitched next year!

The Lundeen Family!