Monday, June 9, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend!

Memorial Day Weekend was a blast this year!
I finally had the full Holiday Weekend off this year and the weather was perfect. 
After this long MN winter, the sun and heat felt fabulous!
We hung around home the whole weekend, which is sometimes my very favorite thing to do.  A nice little Stay-Cation.

The kids had a blast with their new slip and slide, eating yummy summer treats, and swimming at the pool.  We had a couple bonfires with neighbor friends and even camped in the backyard with Brandon and Erin.  We ended the weekend with a trip to the Farm in Lakeville for a Memorial Day Picnic with Family!

Lily enjoying the sun

Some fun action shots of the kids and the slip n slide!

Reese loved it too!

Warming up!

Watermelon treats!

Erin brought her pup Finn for the weekend.  He is so adorable and such a good pup!

Fun at the pool!

Silly Uncle Bran

Having a blast at the pool!

Carter's favorite spot in the whole wide world....Next to Grandpa Farmer in the tractor!