Monday, April 7, 2014

Water Park Fun!

We took a mini vacation and headed over to Otsego to stay at the water park hotel with the Chap Family!  The boys always love have adjoining rooms and Carter always tells us he wants to live like that forever!  That wouldn't drive the adults crazy at all ;)

We had a great time escaping the cold and swimming at the water park!  All the adults took their turns with Carter as he wanted to go down the big slide over and over again!  He is getting much braver around the water!  Little Reesey had fun also....she had a blast swimming and going down the baby slides :)  We ended the night with some fun arcade games and woke up early and headed down for more swimming fun!  Thanks Chap Family for the great weekend!

Best Buddies (and matching trunks! Not even planned!)

The Girls! (and matching suits!  Not even planned!)

I just heart this peanut...what a sweetie)

Relaxing in the hotel!

Sunday morning getting ready to head down to the water park (Cohen was much more excited about swimming than taking a picture :)


Carissa said...

A fun weekend!