Friday, May 17, 2013


I "surprised" Josh with a trip to Chicago last weekend for his 30th Birthday!
And by surprise, I mean....attempted to get away with it, but leaving the history up on your google search on the ipad means snoopy will find it :)

Oh well.

We dropped the two munchkins and our fur baby off with my Mom and headed to the airport.
Started the trip with a nice glass of wine and a beer, chatted with Maren from St. Olaf and we were off!

We arrived, checked in and took a cab to Second City.  It is the famous Improv Training Center where alumni include Chris Farley, Bill Murray, John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Joan Rivers, Steve Carell, Tina Fey, Jane Lynch (to name a few :)

We had some Mexican Food before, where I indulged in the BEST guac I have ever had in me ENTIRE life!  I wanted to box up three bowl fulls and carry them around with me :)

We had a great time!
Super funny!  There were definitely some talented actors!

Hubs and I on his 30th Birthday at Second City

The entire city was FULL of beautiful blooming tulips.  Everywhere you looked there were hundreds and hundreds of tulips!  It was such a beautiful addition to the city.  The cab drivers told us that they change out all of the center flower displays each season.  I think Minneapolis should do this!

Coffee and shopping on Michigan Ave.

I think this was Josh's most memorable part of the trip.
A picture by his idol :)  Michael Jordan.
The cab driver was nice enough to wait for us while we ran
up to the statue to snap a couple pics.
 That afternoon we enjoyed a stuffed pizza at Giordano's.
I ate one AMAZING piece and was 'stuffed!'

That night we ventured out again and walked to Dick's Last Resort along the river.
We had a blast!

And of course a picture by the Chicago sign

An attempt at a timed photo

My 30 year old Hubby!

Love you Joshua....had an AMAZING time with you in
"Fish-Cago" as Carter called it :)

Sunday (Mother's Day)  We had a nice breakfast and Josh surprised me with a massage at a spa on Michigan Ave.  (Which was absolutely perfect and soooo relaxing!)

While I spent time at the spa, Josh took the train and went and toured Wrigley Field, Home of the Chicago Cubs!

(I am sure next to seeing Michael Jordan's Statue in front of the United Center, this was another favorite part of the trip)

He said they were able to see everything, including standing in the press box, on the field and in the tiny team locker room.

A pic Josh snapped from the press box!

Standing on the field.

Thanks Fishcago (aka Chicago) for a Great time!  We hope to visit again soon!