Saturday, February 19, 2011

So long nook

Carter is now 17 months old....and this past month he said goodbye to his bestfriend (his paci).

I think it was harder for mommy than it was for Carter. It just means he is getting to be a big boy :( I am going to miss his cute little grin behind that nook :)

When the Chap's were over last weekend, he even picked up Cohen's little nook, offered it to the baby, looked at us and started to put it towards his little mouth. He laughed, and gave it to me. What a little stinker.

Polly (daycare) has also found him in AJ's diaper bag searching for an extra paci or attempting to climb up to the spot on the counter where the nooks are kept :)

So long paci....thanks for acting as a plug on those nights when mommy and
daddy just wanted to sleep!


Carissa said...

I have to admit it is a little sad! He is so cute with the nookie in! But it is better this way:)