Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

Unfortunately this year I was scheduled to work 12 hour shifts all weekend over Christmas. However, I have amazing coworkers that worked part of my shift on Christmas Eve and I could spend time with Family! Thursday night we headed down to Bloomington to my mom's. We snacked on amazing appetizers all night and opened presents! We are so thankful for everything...Nana, Grandpa K and Uncle Bran were waaaaay too generous. Carter got lots of fun things! My Mom and Jeff were very generous and bought me (and Carter man) a ticket to Florida to visit them on Jan. 6th.

Our little Family

Josh opening up his new 'house shoes' :)
Carter's new chair... he loves it! It even has its very own foot stool.

Mmmmm I wonder how many sugar cookies Carter had all weekend?

Every year the Thompson Family Bell Choir (my aunts, uncles and cousins) play hand bells at the Christmas Eve candle-light service at our church in Lakeville. It is a beautiful service and we are always able to get such fun pics of the family afterwards.
My cousins Amy and Kel.

Family Pic
My adorable godson Ben
Boy Cousins
And Girl Cousins
Thank You so much for everything! Mom, Jeff, Bran, Mosser's, Grandma and Grandpa Thompson, Starkey's.....Thank You Thank You Thank You!