Saturday, July 17, 2010

Camping with the Chaps

Fourth of July weekend was spent 20 minutes outside of St Cloud camping with the Chap Family! We were invited to camp with Eric, Carissa and Eric's family. It was so much fun. The weather was beautiful. And let me tell you, I can definitely camp when you sleep in an air-conditioned camper :)

Carter and his auntie down by the lake
too cute
Kyleah getting Carter to giggle

at the campground 'dance'...Eric's brother Joe on the fake horsey ride
Josh and his mini-me
Our little family
Carter was teething all weekend....four little toofers were coming in....he was so good though
hmmmm delicious...the food was fabulous all weekend
Carter loved the angel food cake
Auntie and Uncle Chap

Comparing baby bumps