Joshua surprised me with a wonderful Valentine's gift...a ticket to Florida! My mom and Jeff are down there for most of the winter, so it worked out perfect. Josh unfortunately could not come, due to the price of airline tickets (outrageous). I also joke around that he had another send me and my pregnancy hormones away for a long weekend :)
The weather was perfect, 70-80's, clear sunny skies. We went to a twin's game (baby's first twin's game) in Sarasota. It was pretty amazing, we were 1 row up, by 3rd base. Its amazing how much fun a baseball game is when you're outside in the sun, it reminded me of watching Josh's college games down there. I had my crackers in my purse just in case the nausea got older gentleman in the parking lot told me that I cannot bring the
crackers into the stadium.
Baby Remme didn't give me too much of a hard time, the nausea was bearable throughout the trip. The plane ride wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, and I was well prepared with my saltines, water and snacks on hand.
It was an amazing trip, and I am very thankful that I have such a thoughtful hubby.
Lily dog also had a fabulous week while I was gone, we learned that she can now jump over her gate and every night she slept in my spot in our bed. We have a spoiled princess on our hands.
Well...Baby Remme is now 14 weeks, officially done with my first trimester.... hoping that the nausea and vomiting end sometime in the near future. "It" is the size of a lemon! I have my second appointment on Monday. Then it will be a couple more weeks

before we find out if we are having a boy or girl! Yay!
(mommy to be)
Hi Erin
I think it works Erin
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